Blazing Rain Writing Blog
Welcome to this writing blog, where I post poems, short stories, and book drafts. All of my poems are based on my own experiences, or inspired by stories I read. My story genres, meanwhile, vary, but they are usually fantasy and science fiction. Since I am only a teenager opinions on my posts are greatly appreciated. Please comment, or email me with suggestions at To read more, go to my Introduction page.
About Me

- Jadefireeyes
- "Be creative, and write. Record your ideas now, before you forget them forever." My blog, at, is the perfect representation of who I really am. I let all my creativity flow, let all my happiness show. I believe no one will truly like who I am on the outside, so I let out everything I have on the inside. I am an aspiring writer, but I love to draw, play the piano, do photography, and several other hobbies, all of which you will find at Blog for Joy. If you are interested in joining this site, you will find me contact info there. Follow me, and I'll follow you back!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Poem: Emi
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She says her name is Emi.
Short for Emily?
No, just Emily, she says.
I don’t know much about her
Except for the fact she loves to spell.
She sits over her picture book and spells every word.
One day I saw her write her name.
She wrote Me.
Em ee
Poem: Untitled
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The fearless fire makes tigers cry.
I find nothing but sizzling stripes
And shattered CDs flying through the air.
I’d like to write away the rain but can’t.
The rain droplets on my tree outside show me the lives of my neighbors,
And shards of broken mirrors envision pieces of my future that shall never be.
What is buildings were but walls with no people living inside?
And all windows were made out of stained glass
So when you look outside the world appears rosy?
Poem: The Essence of Dreams
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Gauzy apparitions sweep their fabulous feathers
In the winter-spiked air.
They run under the moon through the snow-dappled trees.
These are the agitated nightmares that
Materialize in my sleep.
My dreams: glacier blue lakes,
Creatures that fly,
Beneath the sky and sway from the weight of air.
They are dizzy with thought,
Their wings as slender as the rays of dawn.
When they soar they can finally believe that
Fear thrives in shadows,
And hope is an empty promise.
When you add and subtract what’s left of you,
You can’t see yesterday.
I am afraid to take a risk.
You expect to find yourself in someone else,
But this transformation ends and begins with you.
My dreams still dance:
A figure that chases rainbows in a box of prismatic light.
The azure depth of night.
A hot candle magnified beneath the glare of wind.
Iced April with a frosty exhale.
The sun chasing shadows.
The rattle of glass.
Dust swept up by gravity to fly
By the world.
Here dreams connect fantasy to reality.
My hair is curled by the sweat of human fear.
Foggy entrances chinked by memories.
Poem: Green Life
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Come, run with me under these trees.
See the green?
Feel the life?
Now, I’m not telling you to leave your kind so you can just be with me.
I know you civilized ones hate to do things like that.
Sure, in the wild it’s rough.
And my kind aren’t very welcoming to outsiders.
And yes, I know you’ve got comforts livin’ civilized and all.
But you feel real proud every day when you survive to see tomorrow.
You get to feel the wind.
Hear the song of the leaves.
Hunt for your own food.
You feel more alive, somehow,
Knowing it’s not guaranteed it won’t be taken away.
And this place it quite beautiful,
Isn’t it?
Poem: Diamonds
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Clearer than ice,
Flash like fire.
Harder than bone.
Beautiful like you.
Diamonds are true.
Friday, June 29, 2012
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Here's part one of the prologue....
Nothing could save her now.
The artificial lights swirled like Earthen stars and even the silverware twinkled. The ceiling was draped with a golden tapestry that contained moving images: fluid horses, ancient soldiers called knights, brutal battle scenes. There was even an engraved rose that served as a clock. There was nothing on her table but a flower centerpiece and the empty chair opposite hers seemed to grin sinisterly. The room was full of bright happy conversation but her hands were cold.
Zoe’s trembling hand stroked her hair, hoping no one had seen it turn black. Up above the thorned stem ticked closer to ten. Nothing to do but wait.
Music played, announcing the new time. She squeezed her eyes shut as all the guests applauded the newcomer. Please don’t come here, please don’t come here. Footsteps rang loudly on the marble floor. “Enjoying yourself, Zoe?”
Her heart nearly exploded with fear. Her eyes snapped open.
She took in a man wearing a blue suit with a white tie and a smile. Strange, she’d never seen how handsome he was before now. Very handsome.
He laughed when he witnessed Zoe’s hair changing color, this time to ginger because of her anger. “You’re here to enjoy the party,. There’s no point in getting a temper.” He bent closer and whispered so no one else could here. “Tonight you will do whatever I ask of you. And if you don’t…” He traced Zoe’s throat with one finger while swinging his arm around her shoulders, like a couple might, but she knew he was concealing her so no one could see his hand tightening around her neck. Strangling her.
Her knees kicked him under the table, as she got ready to do whatever it took to get the man off her. At around the same instant the pressure around her throat lessened.
“Do you understand?”
Zoe nodded, too frightened to speak.
His voice returned to a contented purr. “Now, how should we introduce you as? My ora?”
Zoe’s hair turned fiery again. Ora meant wife in Kutorian.
“Ahh.. maybe more like female friend?” He winked at her.
She was ready to strangle him. This traitor situated right there, who had ruined part of her life and all of her future. This disgusting excuse for a person.
“If you don’t stop…” Zoe began.
“You’ll poison my drinks with your wine. And maybe use this rose as a weapon?” he nodded towards the table centerpiece. “But probably not. I daresay you enjoy them too much. Did you receive mine securely?”
“It was… you?” The word got stuck in the girl’s throat.
“Yes. Marvelous arrangement, wasn’t it?”
Zoe hated everything about him, from his fancy clothes to his voice. She stood up. The room quieted, staring at her in shock. The silence rang in her ears.
“I proposed to her and she said no,” he comfortably explained to the guests. “Girls these days… Always wanting more than what’s best for them.”
The hush dissolved into chuckles and the carefree atmosphere settled once more.
Zoe sat down. “Why did you say that?” she spat.
He shrugged his shoulders. “What else was I supposed to say? That my own guest was getting out of control?”
Guest. That word had venom to it. His guest. His prisoner.
Kendra's exceptionally round face flooded with excitement as she spotted the two of them in the back. Bringing her bulk squeezed into a tight magenta dress the interviewer strode eagerly to their table, her double chin jiggling on the way.
“Shut up and go with everything I say,” he hissed in her ear.
Faces began to look up at them again, confused. No reporter was allowed to approach a guest in the middle of a ceremony. Paparazzi were restricted. “Hello, I am going to be giving live coverage to Rana through their Viewers. Is there anything you would like to say before we begin?”
He stared hard at the reporter before saying sweetly, “You look very beautiful tonight.” She glowed while Zoe grimaced. Despite being overweight, there was something repulsive about her face and body.
He then added, “Why are you so fat? I thought the Nutrition Department had restrictions on what anyone could eat.”
She gave a gasp like wind being sucked out of her windpipe and turned away with a start. Zoe stared after her. He was crueler than she could have thought.
Slowly all the lights, including the candles dimmed and a darkness swept over the gallery room. An announcer at the front took up a microphone and the sound traveled through the audience. “Welcome to the Committee Gala, and I hope you are having a splendid time tonight.” As his eyes traveled around all the glass tables, Translators abruptly streamed the events to the rest of the nation, changing the announcer’s words from Anglic to Kutorian.
“We are here on the behalf of a special guest. I think you all know who he is.” Clapping of approval came swiftly. “But I will not take away any of your time. I grant you the microphone, Deputy of all of Rana!”
A real thunder roll came as it became obvious he was stepping from my table to make a speech. This was what everyone had been waiting for. He took the microphone with a flourish and began speaking fluently in Kutorian.
I had taken Kutorian as part of my foreign language education in school once, so I understood a few of the words: Welcome, women, men, Kutora, great, etc. so I knew he was going through the salutary. Soon, however, the man’s face grew serious. I strained to listen to a Translator who was streaming the speech in Anglic.
“Yes, we all know of the unfortunate tidings. But is it true?” At this point he paused dramatically before going on, “I want to confirm the rumors. Yes, Alcor is dead.”
A collective gasp came from the guests. Someone even began shouting, “How can we be safe? It’s another virus! We’re all going to die!”
At the podium the deputy motioned with his hand for silence. “And yes, because of the circulation of power, I am now leader of Rana.” Another roar of screams washed back and forth but this time with applause. He was clearly popular. His ascension of leadership was approved by the public.
The man smiled. This was what he had been waiting for. “Do not fear change. I speak to both the nations Kutora and Rana. Together we will be greater than we ever were on Earth. I simply need your support.”
Shrieks pierced the air, excited, nervous, but most of all grateful. His works were known. He had given Kutora technology, something that had been forbidden for centuries. It was a matter of time before they were richer than all the Seven Nations.
The man stepped down, giving a few waves and walked back to Zoe’s tables. People tried to get through to him but the Security blocked them. In the hubbub of noise their conversation was veiled.
“What happened to Alcor? He wasn’t sick. He was perfectly fine.” That whisper of fear came from Zoe. “Is it true? There’s another virus outbreak?”
The man smiled. “I assure you, there’s nothing to worry about. There’s no virus. Alcor simply, let me just say, reached his end.” He laughed, but it hinted at something much evil.
“The Viewers said they found him dead in his bed. The Inspectors found traces of magic. They said maybe there was foul play.”
He narrowed his eyes. “You shouldn’t listen to everything the Reporters say. Especially when they’re as fat as Kendra. But yes, that part is correct.”
It was there. The answer was there, but out of reach. “You’re saying he was… murdered?”
“Of course I’m saying that. Do you know by whom?” He grinned again.
“You?” The world was crashing around her. The ceiling tapestry was going to fall and suffocate her.
“Yes. Me”
Kendra's exceptionally round face flooded with excitement as she spotted the two of them in the back. Bringing her bulk squeezed into a tight magenta dress the interviewer strode eagerly to their table, her double chin jiggling on the way.
“Shut up and go with everything I say,” he hissed in her ear.
Faces began to look up at them again, confused. No reporter was allowed to approach a guest in the middle of a ceremony. Paparazzi were restricted. “Hello, I am going to be giving live coverage to Rana through their Viewers. Is there anything you would like to say before we begin?”
He stared hard at the reporter before saying sweetly, “You look very beautiful tonight.” She glowed while Zoe grimaced. Despite being overweight, there was something repulsive about her face and body.
He then added, “Why are you so fat? I thought the Nutrition Department had restrictions on what anyone could eat.”
She gave a gasp like wind being sucked out of her windpipe and turned away with a start. Zoe stared after her. He was crueler than she could have thought.
Slowly all the lights, including the candles dimmed and a darkness swept over the gallery room. An announcer at the front took up a microphone and the sound traveled through the audience. “Welcome to the Committee Gala, and I hope you are having a splendid time tonight.” As his eyes traveled around all the glass tables, Translators abruptly streamed the events to the rest of the nation, changing the announcer’s words from Anglic to Kutorian.
“We are here on the behalf of a special guest. I think you all know who he is.” Clapping of approval came swiftly. “But I will not take away any of your time. I grant you the microphone, Deputy of all of Rana!”
A real thunder roll came as it became obvious he was stepping from my table to make a speech. This was what everyone had been waiting for. He took the microphone with a flourish and began speaking fluently in Kutorian.
I had taken Kutorian as part of my foreign language education in school once, so I understood a few of the words: Welcome, women, men, Kutora, great, etc. so I knew he was going through the salutary. Soon, however, the man’s face grew serious. I strained to listen to a Translator who was streaming the speech in Anglic.
“Yes, we all know of the unfortunate tidings. But is it true?” At this point he paused dramatically before going on, “I want to confirm the rumors. Yes, Alcor is dead.”
A collective gasp came from the guests. Someone even began shouting, “How can we be safe? It’s another virus! We’re all going to die!”
At the podium the deputy motioned with his hand for silence. “And yes, because of the circulation of power, I am now leader of Rana.” Another roar of screams washed back and forth but this time with applause. He was clearly popular. His ascension of leadership was approved by the public.
The man smiled. This was what he had been waiting for. “Do not fear change. I speak to both the nations Kutora and Rana. Together we will be greater than we ever were on Earth. I simply need your support.”
Shrieks pierced the air, excited, nervous, but most of all grateful. His works were known. He had given Kutora technology, something that had been forbidden for centuries. It was a matter of time before they were richer than all the Seven Nations.
The man stepped down, giving a few waves and walked back to Zoe’s tables. People tried to get through to him but the Security blocked them. In the hubbub of noise their conversation was veiled.
“What happened to Alcor? He wasn’t sick. He was perfectly fine.” That whisper of fear came from Zoe. “Is it true? There’s another virus outbreak?”
The man smiled. “I assure you, there’s nothing to worry about. There’s no virus. Alcor simply, let me just say, reached his end.” He laughed, but it hinted at something much evil.
“The Viewers said they found him dead in his bed. The Inspectors found traces of magic. They said maybe there was foul play.”
He narrowed his eyes. “You shouldn’t listen to everything the Reporters say. Especially when they’re as fat as Kendra. But yes, that part is correct.”
It was there. The answer was there, but out of reach. “You’re saying he was… murdered?”
“Of course I’m saying that. Do you know by whom?” He grinned again.
“You?” The world was crashing around her. The ceiling tapestry was going to fall and suffocate her.
“Yes. Me”
Notes for Dawn's End
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Comes from Acanthor…
Zoe fought through the waves. “Hey, why do I feel so heavy/”
“I know, I hate that, but I’ll show you something. Lay down on your belly and hold yourself up with one arm,” Regal called out.
“Why though? That’s going to be impossible with all the waves!” Zoe yelled.
“Just do it!”
“Fine!” Zoe sank down into the murky ocean and did an underwater pushup. With one hand, easily. “Wait, how it this possible!
“It’s because of the salt! Smell that in the air?” Regal asked.
“Oh, so that’s what it was! I thought it was the waste of a thousand sea creatures!” Zoe said sarcastically.
“Come on! Please be serious. Anyway, all that salt increases the water’s density. Makes you more buoyant. Makes you float,” Regal explained.
“Okay that’s interesting and everything, but how? How does salt make you float?”
“I don’t know exactly…” Regal trailed off. “I didn’t really go to school much back on Acanthor. My parents pulled me out every summer to hell with the fish harvesting. But I do know it increases the water’s density, like I said. It’s like… it’s like I makes the water heavier, heavier than you so you can float.”
“Hmmm… All of this is still not helping me swim. Can you tell me more about Acanthor while I fight. The. Ocean?” Zoe said sweetly.
“Okay.” Regal closed her eyes. “Okay. Well, like I told you, we were all fishers, or seawater purifiers. That’s what most of our water is. Sea water without the salt. I was there till… till…” She opened her eyes and gazed up at the sky. “Until my father died in a fishing accident. My mom died from a sickness two months later. The Healers said of a broken heart.”
Regal breathed heavily, in and out, in and out. “That was around the time ___ took power. I had to stay with my uncle but he hated me. He gave me over to the Recruiters. And that’s where I met you.”
Zoe was shocked. Regal never told her what happened to her family. She wanted to desperately lighten her mood. “Which was the best moment of your life,” she joked. Regal didn’t reply. She still stared up.
Is me and has cool eyes…
Weird blue symbols spiraled around the irises of her eyes. “Um… Your eyes…”
“I know,” Regal said. “When I look in a mirror they spell out my name.”
· Leo is weird. Sums it up. Leo becomes deputy of Alcor, new leader of Rana. No one knows why…
She called out Regal’s name but she didn’t respond. “Alcor…” she muttered. “Alcor. I know that from somewhere.”
Her eyes snapped open. “Alcor! That’s a star!”
“Are you sure,” Zoe asked.
“Yes, yes! I have an aunt named Ursa. She’s named after the Great Bear, a famous constellation. Once I had an Earth night sky stimulation and I looked up for Ursa Major. The middle star of its tail had a star behind it, so I asked for its name. They told me Alcor. I know!”
Poem: Hurt
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It is human to feel pain.
It is not humane for someone to hurt you.
Here, does not the tear sound so loud when falling on your pillow,
Loud as a rain drop thousands of feet up?
And your throat aches, as unpleasant
As the smell of ozone.
I try to be perfect but she only criticizes.
I came to your doorstep expecting comfort,
Finding only black cobblestones you tried to bleach
And a dead cat impaled by a telephone pole,
Stiff and silent.
I try to remember that night.
There were stars above the city.
Birdsong within a thunder storm.
You want to experience my pain,
Wanting excitement.
You do not know it will only make your hollow heart emptier.
You only see the poppies blowing.
Quote: Poetry
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Poetry is the combination of the right words. The reader can touch- but not feel – the experiences and visions of the writer.
Poem: Yellow
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Babies like the color yellow
And why wouldn’t they?
Yellow is
A daisy
The color of their rain booties
Their stuffed animal
The blouse of their nanny
The color of their mother’s gold earring
The eye of a stray cat pausing on the street
The center of a rainbow
Babies are Joy.
Poem: The Fantasy of Argen
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To the south there’s a place names Argen.
In its center there’s magic
That can make you young;
But the world’s tragic.
There’s haunted dangers everywhere.
Ghost princes whom themselves hang
At noon and midnight.
The flowers have fangs.
Past the mist of the Mountain Forests
There is a bridge without end,
On the dank lagoon
Of dreams that don’t mend.
You will come to a yellow clearing
Cut into birches and oaks.
You’ll see a castle
But that’s a hoax.
Don’t listen to the Shadow Music.
It can break a diamond’s heart.
It shall make you a slave
To the Pixies of the Dark.
A warning against the black roses:
They have a beautiful smell.
They grow in the house
Of the youth named Belle.
She’s a daughter of an enchantress.
She carries a silver flute.
Belle has an owl
That has fatal hoots.
Poison Ivies are truly potions
In her lush dappled garden.
Crows are her servants,
The moon’s her warden.
Quote: Milk
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She believed that milk tasted of warmth and love because it had a little of the mother in it.
Poem: Willow
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Say your hushed songs in my ear, you draping willow.
Your frame is graceful, your leaves billow.
You’re a delicate silhouette in the south.
Whisper to me, I’ll repeat back with my faithful mouth.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Poem: Why You Cry
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When your heart’s a sad sea
And you’re as lonely as a tree,
You want to lessen the tide
And that’s why you cry.
Poem: Stormy Dusk
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And the dark gray storm clouds were smoke.
The world was flaming.
Poem: Ponderings of Me
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The splinters beneath me on the wooden bench.
Why don’t they ever replace it?
Gasoline fumes.
The smell of the dead future?
The cool of the trees’ shade,
The hot sun beating down in the nearby playground.
Why do the insects crawl on my book?
Long strands of hair glinting on my black pants.
Why are they russet in the sunlight?
I pretend I have no needs.
I don’t have to eat or drink or get tired.
But I still experience pain:
The ache in my shoulders because of sitting
In the shade
Of the tree
On the old wooden bench
For hours.
And I’ve already finished my poetry book
But I feel hungry and can’t resist.
I eat one small granola bar.
Do the flies smell the sugar on my breath?
Maybe if I convince myself I don’t have a desire to eat or drink
That means I’m not human.
Not being human means being perfect.
Why is it impossible to be perfect?
The old men sitting next to me on the old wooden bench
Have loud, harsh voices and talk about
Thinks that don’t matter, conversations that have no interest.
Why are their lives so boring?
Poem: Transcending Music
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The music’s rhythm is curved and tender
And the transcendent light is undulating in thought
And definitive in nature,
Accentuated by the November blues.
The slippery mildew has an authentic essence.
Magenta blood spills out of my cuts.
Why is it we fear the ordinary
But feel extraordinary?
The fathomless voice of the wind screams in my ear.
The tree shades shiver.
Did you know the rain wants to travel in boats?
And past time is frozen in ice?
And cigarettes burn the universe?
Thursday, June 7, 2012
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The music’s rhythm is curved and tender
And the transcendent light is undulating in thought
And definitive in nature,
Accentuated by the November blues.
The slippery mildew has an authentic essence.
Magenta blood spills out of my cuts.
Why is it we fear the ordinary
But feel extraordinary?
The fathomless voice of the wind screams in my ear.
The tree shades shiver.
Did you know the rain wants to travel in boats?
And past time is frozen in ice?
And cigarettes burn the universe?
The splinters beneath me on the wooden bench.
Why don’t they ever replace it?
Gasoline fumes.
The smell of the dead future?
The cool of the trees’ shade,
The hot sun beating down in the nearby playground.
Why do the insects crawl on my book?
Long strands of hair glinting on my black pants.
Why are they russet in the sunlight?
I pretend I have no needs.
I don’t have to eat or drink or get tired.
But I still experience pain:
The ache in my shoulders because of sitting
In the shade
Of the tree
On the old wooden bench
For hours.
And I’ve already finished my poetry book
But I feel hungry and can’t resist.
I eat one small granola bar.
Do the flies smell the sugar on my breath?
Maybe if I convince myself I don’t have a desire to eat or drink
That means I’m not human.
Not being human means being perfect.
Why is it impossible to be perfect?
The old men sitting next to me on the old wooden bench
Have loud, harsh voices and talk about
Thinks that don’t matter, conversations that have no interest.
Why are their lives so boring?
Poem: Transcending Music
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The music’s rhythm is curved and tender
And the transcendent light is undulating in thought
And definitive in nature,
Accentuated by the November blues.
The slippery mildew has an authentic essence.
Magenta blood spills out of my cuts.
Why is it we fear the ordinary
But feel extraordinary?
The fathomless voice of the wind screams in my ear.
The tree shades shiver.
Did you know the rain wants to travel in boats?
And past time is frozen in ice?
And cigarettes burn the universe?
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